【同义词辨析】 2019-05-16 虔诚devout-pious

devout: stresses genuine feeling and a mental attitude that leads to solemn reverence and fitting observance of rites and practices: a pilgrimage that is the goal of ~ believers.  rites表示仪式ceremony,是指宗教或传统仪式,只用复数,如宗教仪式葬礼仪式,funeral/transition rites葬礼/成人仪式,另外ritual表示仪式中的某个部分part of a religious ceremony,如religious rituals也是宗教仪式,还引申表示习惯性老套的例行的,如ritual expressions of sympathy例行公事地表示同情 )   (observe举行仪式纪念庆祝, to mark the occasion by performance of required rites or acts,如not all holidays are observed nationally不是所有节日都举国纪念庆祝)  pilgrimage朝圣pilgrim朝圣者

pious: applies to the faithful and dutiful performance of religious duties and maintenance of outwardly religious attitudes: a ~ family that faithfully observes the Sabbath.       安息日(犹太教定为星期六,基督教定为星期日)

religious: may imply devoutness and piety but it emphasizes faith in a deity and adherence to a way of life in keeping with that faith: a basically ~ man, although not a regular churchgoer.

pietistic: stresses the emotional as opposed to the intellectual aspects of religion: regarded religious articles as ~ excess.

sanctimonious: implies pretentions to holiness or smug appearance of piety: a ~ preacher without mercy or human kindness. smug沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的,贬义implies an manner marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction,如a smug expression /smile/face沾沾自喜自鸣得意的表情/笑容/面容,如Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction托马斯和夫人得意地互相望了一眼)

devout虔诚: 强调感情真实和态度虔敬,pious虔诚: 强调履行宗教义务及虔敬态度,religious有宗教信仰的: 强调对上帝的信念,并保持相应的生活方式,pietistic宗教情绪化的: 指情感方面而非精神方面的表达,sanctimonious伪善假装虔诚的: 指假装神圣、自鸣得意地伪装虔诚

记忆方法: 1)首字母DPRPS想成SP PRD(super proud)超级自豪<==因为虔诚         ""的意思是"恭敬",本义是虎行走的样子,如虔诚虔敬虔信虔心


         3)虔诚的意思是热情信奉宗教mean showing fervor in the practice of religion.首字母DPRPS想成SP PRD(super proud)超级自豪<==因为虔诚         fervor热情implies a warm and steady emotion指温暖持久的感情,如read the poem aloud with great fervor热情地朗诵诗歌